In the Community
Ignite Newsletter - November 2024
November 26, 2024
November 2024
Dear WFM Supporters and Friends,
As we enter the season of giving, I’m reflecting with heartfelt gratitude on the community that makes the Women’s Foundation of Montana’s (WFM) work possible.
I am especially thankful to our grantees, organizations driving meaningful change for women, girls, and families across Montana. As a trusted partner to our grantees, WFM sees the challenges and opportunities they face. We also recognize the urgent need to grow the resources they have available to meet the needs of women and girls in Montana. On Giving Tuesday, I encourage you to join us in supporting their efforts (the full grantee list is below).
I am also deeply grateful to you, our donors, for your generosity and unwavering commitment. Your support fuels the work for a future where every woman and girl in our state can thrive. To make this vision a reality, WFM is a permanent resource for gender equity in MT and your dedicated partner in ensuring sustained and expanded support for organizations improving lives across our state.
Finally, earlier this month our state was able to celebrate a significant milestone. The passage of CI-128 is a critical step forward for reproductive freedom and personal autonomy in Montana, affirms the right to make decisions about one’s own pregnancy, including abortion. This is one victory on the path to gender equity, which continues to demand our advocacy, investment, and action. WFM will continue to support the organizations and leaders driving this work.
Let’s move forward with gratitude for the groundwork laid by so many and with determination to build on their efforts.

Give Directly to a WFM Grantee!

Blue Heaven Harnessing Hope supports the Native Women’s Leadership Forum in empowering Aaniiih, Nakoda, and Little Shell women and girls through creative, holistic leadership development.
Bridgercare supports Montana Family Planning in providing accessible sexual and reproductive healthcare through its rural clinic network.
Central Montana Childcare Alliance supports efforts to improve childcare quality and expand options in Fergus, Judith Basin, and Petroleum Counties.
Code Girls United supports pathways to college and careers by empowering girls in underserved communities to pursue computer science and technology.
Custer Network Against Domestic Abuse supports services empowering victims and fostering community change to address violence in six Montana counties.
Domestic and Sexual Violence Services supports operations providing services for victims of violence in Carbon and Stillwater Counties and statewide education on gender-based violence.
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies, The Montana Coalition, Inc. supports efforts to improve maternal and infant health by expanding access to doula care and addressing health inequities in Montana.
Messengers for Health supports community leaders in improving Apsáalooke health through culturally rooted solutions.
Montana Budget and Policy Center supports research and advocacy for paid leave, childcare policies, and TANF program oversight in Montana.
Montana Women Vote supports leadership development for low-income women voters through policy education, skill-building, and economic justice advocacy.
Mountain Home Montana supports young mothers and children through holistic programs that offer housing, education, mental health services, and childcare.
Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence supports a statewide coalition working to end domestic and sexual violence in Montana.
North Valley Food Bank supports postpartum meal kits and nutrition education for mothers and babies in Flathead and Lincoln counties.
Northwest Montana Community Land Trust Inc. will establish a fund to help single women cover down payments and closing costs for homeownership in NWMTCLT homes.
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana supports grassroots efforts for sexual and reproductive healthcare access and advocacy.
Pretty Eaglewoman Resource Foundation supports awareness, education, and resources for addressing the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls crisis.
Red Ants Pants Foundation supports the Girls Leadership Program, empowering confident leaders from rural Montana and tribal nations.
Rocky Mountain Women’s Business Center supports women in Montana to start and grow businesses through coaching, events, and a statewide digital network.
Snowy Mountain Development Corporation supports the reinitiation of Leadership Central Montana, empowering leaders in seven counties to mentor, advocate, and amplify their voices.
Sovereign Bodies Institute supports MMIP families and survivors, focusing on Indigenous women, girls, and LGBTQ2 individuals, through advocacy and healing resources.
Women's Resource Center supports crisis intervention, advocacy, and education for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Beaverhead and Madison counties.
Yellow Bird Life Ways Center supports a space for reconnection and cultural reclamation for youth, women, and elders in the Northern Cheyenne community.
YWCA Helena supports safe housing and services for women and children experiencing homelessness, restoring hope and self-sufficiency.
WFM is a powerful force for philanthropy in Montana because of your support. WFM grantees lead the way in creating strong communities that work for women and girls.
Learn more about WFM grantees here and see our 2024 funding summary.