Apply for Funding

The Women's Foundation of Montana exists to advance the economic security of women and to create a brighter future for girls in Montana.

For Current Grantees

You can access your application history through our online grant portal, which is managed by Foundant. 

Grant Portal

For sponsorship inquiries, please fill out the Sponsorship Request form.

Our Focus

The Women’s Foundation of Montana (WFM) was established at the Montana Community Foundation in 1999 to provide a permanent resource for women and girls in Montana. WFM is committed to partnering with organizations and programs across the state that advance gender equity in Montana. The WFM Advisory Committee guides WFM’s grantmaking priorities and funding decisions.

The Women’s Foundation of Montana is seeking to fund organizations and projects that align with WFM’s priorities:


1. Wealth and Asset Building

Includes strategies that:

  • support women in accessing fulfilling work with a livable wage and quality benefits;
  • provide training, resources, and access to financing for women to start and grow businesses;
  • provide education and training, and ongoing opportunities for women to upskill and retrain.

2. Strong Families

Includes strategies that:

  • increase women’s access to essential services to meet basic needs, including housing, nutrition, safety, and financial stability;
  • provide education and resources for women’s health care, including reproductive, maternal, and gender-affirming care;
  • advocate for and advance policy reforms that improve access to and increase public investment in economic opportunity, security, and equity for women.

3. Leadership Development

Include strategies that:

  • establish or enhance educational programs with a gender-specific lens;
  • build capacity to engage women in advocacy and policy change.


Applicants must be based in and serving women and girls in Montana. Applicants must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or 501(c)(4) nonprofit (501(C)(4) must apply for project-specific funds for nonpartisan activities) or unincorporated organizations, groups, or initiatives fiscally sponsored by tax-exempt entities. Non-501(c)(3) or non-501(c)(4) nonprofits may be eligible; please call Kylie Gursky at (406)541-7406 or email to discuss eligibility.


Eligible Organizations and Projects:

  • Primarily benefit women and girls and understand and address the unique barriers women face in advancing economically.
  • Provide direct services, build leadership skills, engage in state or local policy and advocacy, or all three.
  • Demonstrate commitment to inclusivity and diversity and reflect and represent those they serve.
  • Demonstrate a clear impact on the lives of women and girls in Montana and/or have the potential for sustainable and positive change.
  • Preference will be given to organizations and projects serving women in rural and tribal communities.
  • Meet at least one of the WFM objectives (descriptions listed above).
    • Wealth and Asset Building
    • Strong Families
    • Leadership Development

Funding Type:

WFM accepts applications for general operating support as well as project-specific support.

General operating requests are awarded to organizations whose overall work intentionally and specifically supports women and/or girls or addresses issues that disproportionately impact women and/or girls and includes a gender equity analysis.

Project-specific requests are awarded to and restricted to projects and activities that are targeted to benefit women and girls. Fiscally sponsored organizations should submit project-specific requests.

If you have questions about whether you should apply for general operating support or project-specific support, please call Kylie Gursky at (406)541-7406 or email

Ineligible Projects:

  • Religious, partisan, or sectarian programs or projects.
  • One-time events, such as celebrations or social gatherings that are not part of longer-term goals.

Download PDF of WFM 2024 Grant Guidelines and Pre-Application Questionnaire

Kylie Gursky's headshot'

We're Here to Help

For additional help, questions or comments, contact Kylie Gursky, Director, Women's Foundation of Montana.