2023 WFM Grantees
The Women’s Foundation of Montana (WFM) is thrilled to announce the 2023 grant recipients, continuing our commitment to supporting women in communities across our state. We are honored to support this diverse selection of organizations, who have demonstrated dedication to advancing gender equity through direct service, public policy advocacy, community organizing, and leadership development strategies.
WFM received an astounding number of requests for funding in our 2023 grant cycle. Although we were only able to fund 20% of the applicants, each applicant is doing critically important work that is worth funding. If you are interested in funding work that supports women and girls in Montana, WFM would love to share more information about our grantee partners and unfunded applications with you. Please reach out to Kylie Gursky, WFM Program Officer at kylie@mtcf.org.
The Women's Foundation of Montana leads the state in focusing on impact for women. The Women's Entrepreneurship & Leadership Lab powered by U.M. and Accelerate Montana is proud to have their faith in the impact we make.
- Morgan Slemberger - W.E.L.L (Women's Entrepreneurship & Leadership Lab)
2023 Grantees
Based in Kalispell, MT, serving girls across Montana
Code Girls United's after school coding programs provide 4th-8th grade girls in Montana with educational opportunities in computer science, business, and technology. As school and work opportunities become increasingly digitized, this presents a critical gap in education for girls in rural Montana––a state where computer science is not a part of its public-school curriculum, and many regions are just now receiving broadband service. Now more than ever, it is critical that we expand our programs to meet this need in rural, Tribal, and underserved communities.

Red Lodge, MT, serving Carbon and Stillwater Counties
DSVS empowers those impacted by violence and works to foster healthy relationships. DSVS serves Carbon and Stillwater counties, offering a range of services for individuals and families affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Since its founding, DSVS has helped hundreds of survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking through direct services, therapy, and temporary housing support. DSVS operates a 24-hour-a-day helpline; developed and delivers Power Up, Speak Out!, a curriculum on healthy relationships for middle-school students; and runs a community-wide mentoring program. DSVS services are free, confidential, and holistic, creating a multi-tiered wraparound support system.

Based in Helena, MT, serving women and children statewide
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies, The Montana Coalition's mission is to improve the health, safety, and well-being of Montana families by supporting mothers and babies, aged zero to three. We create programs, tools, and campaigns to help the system of family supports accomplish their important work of assisting and empowering those who are expecting or caring for little ones. More information about these resources is available on our website at www.hmhb-mt.org. We'd love to know how we can best support your work and collaborate with you to help Montana families thrive! Please connect with us at hmhb@hmhb-mt.org or at (406) 449-8611.
Based in Helena, MT, serving women and families statewide
MBPC's mission is to advance responsible tax, budget, and economic policies through credible research and analysis in order to promote opportunity and fairness for all Montanans. MBPC fulfills this mission by providing credible and timely research and analysis on state fiscal issues to legislators, tribal leaders, advocates, the public, and the media. MBPC has engaged in a number of policy areas benefiting low-and-moderate-income women and families, including Medicaid expansion, paid family leave, paid sick days, TANF, EITC, early childhood development, and child care. Funds will support MBPC’s ongoing research and outreach on the importance of paid family leave and expanded access to child care for Montana women and families.
Missoula, MT and surrounding areas
Mountain Home Montana's mission is to provide a safe home and nurturing community where young mothers can discover their strengths and children thrive. We do this by providing holistic, two-generational programs that include a residential program and housing support, a licensed mental health center, a supportive education and employment program, a community center, and a trauma-informed childcare center. Through these programs, Mountain Home ensures that families are given the resources and skills to overcome generational poverty and trauma to build safe, stable homes of their own. As one of only three organizations providing long-term residential support to young families in Montana, we often serve the entire state as well as rural communities in surrounding regions.

($10,000 restricted grant to support the 501c3 permissible activities of PPAMT and the Montana Sexual and Reproductive Health Collective (MTSRHC))
Based in Billings, MT, serving Montanans statewide
PPAMT is a proud member of the Montana Sexual and Reproductive Health Collective (MTSRHC). The MTSRHC is a statewide group of organizations and individuals mobilizing and supporting inclusive, equitable grassroots advocacy, education, and outreach to uphold the fundamental right to bodily autonomy. MTSRHC organizes in solidarity to build the foundation for a sustainable, liberatory movement that secures and strengthens the right to access the continuum of sexual and reproductive health for all seeking care in Montana. The creators of the MTSRHC envision it as a movement space, bringing together advocates to engage in collective power building. Funds from the Women’s Foundation support this important work as well as PPAMT’s participation in the collective.
Based in Lame Deer, MT, serving the Northern Cheyenne and Crow communities
Pretty Eaglewoman Resource Foundation’s mission is to advocate for and support the families of Missing Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) and Murdered and Missing Indigenous People (MMIP), by increasing awareness, providing education, fostering collaboration with individuals, organizations, and communities, and finding resources to aid them in their time of need. Pretty Eaglewoman organization primarily serves and engages the Northern Cheyenne and Crow MMIWG/MMIP community in Montana, with a particular focus on Big Horn and Rosebud counties.
Based in White Sulphur Springs, MT, serving girls in rural MT
The Red Ants Pants Foundation Leadership Program is designed to inspire hope for our youth, develop pride in our rural communities, and foster strength and courage in our leadership. The Girls Leadership Program builds highly competent and confident leaders, cultivated specifically to build upon the strength of girls from rural Montana, including the sovereign tribal nations within Montana.

Based in Missoula, MT, serving women statewide
W.E.L.L. is growing Montana’s economy by supporting entrepreneurs and leaders through empowerment, education, and advocacy and we envision equitable success for all Montana Women. We value inclusivity, entrepreneurial leadership, community and wholeness. W.E.L.L. focuses on serving Indigenous women, women in rural communities, and women in underserved communities. W.E.L.L. reaches women across the state through remote teams in rural and Tribal communities and other partnerships.
Yellow Bird, is a non-profit organization, founded by Phillip Whiteman Jr. Northern Cheyenne Traditional Chief and Lynette Two Bulls, Oglala Lakota who is also the Executive Director. We are located on the beautiful Northern Cheyenne Homelands in Southeastern Montana. At the core of our organization are the youth and elders. These two age groups are crucial because they represent the future and the wisdom needed to carry on. We are comprised of a youth and elder advisory council and depend on volunteers for our programs.

Based in Helena, MT, serving Lewis and Clark County and surrounding areas
The mission of The YWCA Helena is to prevent homelessness, provide safe and supportive housing for women and children experiencing homelessness, and provide services that restore hope, self-sufficiency, and happy and healthy lives. Through the WINGS program, the Caterpillars Parenting Center, the Caterpillars Counseling Center and the Clubhouse, the YWCA of Helena provides critical recovery services for women while addressing the complex intricacies for women and children experiencing homelessness. The YWCA Helena primarily serves women in Lewis and Clark County though consistently serves women from outside Lewis and Clark County.
Browning, MT
NACDC Financial Services Inc.'s mission is to remove the barriers that exist in Indian Country that prohibit the flow of capital and credit. We address the critical needs in native communities related to the growth of family assets and sustainable economic development. NACDC Financial Services, Inc. is a tax-exempt, non-profit CDFI located in Browning, Montana on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.
Billings, MT
The Native American Development Corporation was established in 1996. The intent of the organization is to act as a liaison for state, regional, national and international economic development organizations and agencies for American Indian owned businesses in Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota.
Lame Deer, MT
People's Partner for Community Development is a Native-led non-profit organization serving the communities of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Montana. We help create a stronger reservation economy while maintaining strong connections to our land, our traditional values and our cultural history. We provide financial opportunities to stimulate economic development by promoting self-sufficiency, self-determination and an enhanced quality of life for the reservation communities. We offer the tools, resources and training to help individuals, families and entrepreneurs create better lives and a stronger community.
Hays, MT
Montana Native Growth Fund is a Native Community Development Financial Institution with a mission to promote sustainable Tribal homeownership, building opportunities to improve the economic outlook for Native Americans by offering access to credit and capital blended with culturally empowered education.
Crow Agency, MT
Plenty Doors Community Development Corporation is a Native led 501c3 non profit organization on the Crow Indian Reservation. Established in 2018 and intends to strengthen our community through business, entrepreneurship, and community development. We are devoted to creating thriving communities through a strong diverse economy while preserving the unique cultural and environmental qualities of our community.
Lame Deer, MT
NIWRC provides national leadership to end violence against American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian women by supporting culturally grounded, grassroots advocacy. Funds supported travel costs and resources for advocates, families, survivors, and counsel in the state of Montana to attend the Not Invisible Act Commission (NIAC) MMIW field hearings in Billings, Montana from July 25 to 27, 2023.
Helena, MT
MCADSV is a statewide, membership-based, anti-violence, nonprofit organization operating in Helena, Montana. We are a coalition of individuals and organizations working together to uproot violence and oppression in order to end domestic and sexual violence in Montana. Violence and oppression are conditions that we believe must be uprooted in order to end domestic and sexual violence. White supremacy, patriarchy, homophobia, colonialism and dominance must be addressed if we hope to end violence and abuse against all people.
Funds from the Women's Foundation of Montana support the general work of the Montana-based members of the Mountain | Plains Regional Native CDFI Coalition to fortify the Indigenous Finance Industry by amplifying the strength of individual members, unifying the action of the Coalition, and sustaining generations. The Women's Foundation of Montana seeks to uplift and support the leadership of women in the Mountain | Plains Regional Native CDFI Coalition and build their collective industry capacity through peer-to-peer support, convenings, and mentorship.

*These CDFIs are Montana-based members of the Mountain | Plains Regional Native CDFI Coalition.

We're Here to Help
For additional help, questions or comments, contact Kylie Gursky, Director, Women's Foundation of Montana.