Erica McKeon-Hanson
Erica is the Community Research Associate with CAIRHE (Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity) and Montana INBRE (Montana IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) at Montana State University. She resides in Havre and is a fourth-generation Montanan, born and raised in the rural community of Malta. She spent the better part of her career working in two tribal communities as a tribal college faculty member. It was during her time as a tribal college faculty member that she learned about community-based participatory research and was able to work with her students using these principles to address health needs identified by their community. She enjoys using her lifetime of rural Montana connections to facilitate the work of CAIRHE and INBRE investigators while also relying on her graduate education in public health to move closer to their goal of health equity.
Erica and her family enjoy spending time at the lake. They spend most of their time at the lake fishing, swimming, and hiking. When they’re not working or at the lake, they like to spend time at home, where they share two acres with three dogs and two cats.