
Prospera Women’s Business Center’s new initiative: 56Strong

December 13, 2021

Are you interested in providing mentorship to other women in business? Do you have life experience from a long and rich career you could pass on to other women? The Montana Women’s Business Center (MTWBC) is launching a new initiative that is perfect for those looking to pass on their advice and influence through a mentoring relationship.

As the pandemic has continued to negatively and drastically impact women’s careers, mentorship and sponsorships can help counteract gender bias and lack of representation, strengthen female coalitions in male-dominated fields, and create influential connections that aid in female leadership.

56Strong is a new program designed to connect Montana women entrepreneurs and business owners from all of Montana’s 56 counties. The program runs from January to June, with a virtual kick-off meeting in January. The program will be facilitated by Chris Carter and Shayna Blaser with the WBC.

The goals of the program are:

  • Bridge the gap between the urban and rural divide
  • Support female entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses
  • Increase female businesses across the state of Montana
  • Help women gain access to capital
  • Support and build resiliency amongst female professionals

Mentors and Mentees are expected to meet once a month for at least an hour, set to the schedule they prefer. Of course, meeting more frequently is welcome and encouraged!

56Strong has had an influx of mentee applications but needs more mentors! The program is free and the deadline to apply is December 31st. Learn more and apply here.